by aviva | Nov 27, 2021 | 10kstories
“I know the chosson’s sister from seminary and the Kallah from sleepaway camp. I was schmoozing with my friend and she asked if I knew anyone for her brother. The idea popped into my head of this girl form camp (who barely remembered me when I reached out to her!) The...
by aviva | Nov 25, 2021 | 10kstories
This past Pessach my brother’s friend came over to my parents house. He was talking about how his dating was going with a girl he was currently dating. He then went on to talk about his older 26 year old sister who needs a shiduch. I thought of my brother-in-law who...
by aviva | Nov 8, 2021 | 10kstories
“I always try to set ppl up that I know. Ive been trying to unofficially set ppl up the last few years, especially since I feel like there is hashgacha involved because I always log my suggestions on 10k website. I’ve set up many ppl, worked many many hours on various...