Engagements #304 AND #305!

Two for  the price of one…

Often in life the things that don’t work are actually a stepping stone for things to work out… Even more so in Shidduchim.

As Rochel Goldbaum says: ‘Rejection is redirection’.

I set up a couple. They went on a few dates and it didn’t work out. Shortly after, I then set them  each up again with different people. BH they both got engaged to those people.

I had recently also asked R’ Levin for a brochah to be zocheh to make more shidduchim .

I feel the Siyata D’ishmaya of Yisrael and Elisheva’s neshamahs. May their beautiful neshamahs have an aliya and continue to bring yeshuahs to Klal Yisrael.