Often time people will reach out to me looking for a shidduch for themselves or their child. As much as I would like to set every single person up with a date, it’s not realistic or feasible. My mindset in is to try and do some level of hishtadlus on their behalf, as hishtadlus brings downs pipelines of Bracha and siyata d’shmaya. I asked Lisa Elefant from “Adopt a Shadchan” if we can have one day a week where we can present people who had reached out to us recently and network and brainstorm with other shadchanim on their behalf. Mrs. Elefant instituted “Tachlis Tuesday”. I believe that it was the first Tachlis Tuesday where I presented this young woman. Another Shadchan from the Adopt a Shadchan thought that it was a nice idea for her friend’s son. We navigated the shidduch together and bh so grateful that they got engaged yesterday.

10k Batay Yisroel is an inspiration. We need to keep trying and recognize that every suggestion and every date is a success in opening pipelines of Brocha and siyata d’shmaya. 10k Batay yisroel doesn’t only count the engagements. They count each suggestion and each date. Ultimately we are not in control of which shidduchim make it to the finish line but we are in control of committing to try our best.