“I know the chosson’s sister from seminary and the Kallah from sleepaway camp. I was schmoozing with my friend and she asked if I knew anyone for her brother. The idea popped into my head of this girl form camp (who barely remembered me when I reached out to her!) The girl and I had few interactions in camp but enough that I knew a little about her. They went out starting last year November, got engaged in the summer, and the wedding is tomorrow! Baruch HaShem!
This past Pessach my brother’s friend came over to my parents house. He was talking about how his dating was going with a girl he was currently dating. He then went on to talk about his older 26 year old sister who needs a shiduch. I thought of my brother-in-law who was 27. I contacted my mother-in-law after the Chag and they went out. I was the go between and I contacted Das Torah to help guide me when necessary. BH they got married November 8th! Only Simchas!
10K encouraged me to make a shiduch. I always wanted to make a shiduch. However, it made me more aware and realize how one person can make an impact if we all try to look out for others and think of someone for them. It made me less afraid to try and suggest people. It can’t hurt!
Keep encouraging others and may it continue to be a huge zechus for Yisroel and Elisheva and may their neshama have a tremendous aliya.”
“I always try to set ppl up that I know. Ive been trying to unofficially set ppl up the last few years, especially since I feel like there is hashgacha involved because I always log my suggestions on 10k website. I’ve set up many ppl, worked many many hours on various shidduchim, none that got engaged but I felt like I was doing my hishtadlus. At times though I did feel like giving up as it can get draining when a shidduch doesn’t go anywhere after spending alot of time on it. For this particular couple, I started shmoozing with a stranger in the park, and I realized that I vaguely knew of her sister. I started thinking of a guy, and feeling silly (because I had no idea exactly what her sister was looking for and I never met her sister), I suggested a friend of my husband’s. It wasn’t smooth sailing, but BH a few months later, they are engaged. I’m sharing this story so that people can realize that even when you feel silly or are questioned for bringing up shidduchim in the most random places/ times, to ppl you might not know well, You never know what could come from it, and that is 100% worth feeling slightly uncomfortable for. I am so happy for this special couple and it should be an Aliyas Neshamah for Yisroel ben Yeshayahu Halevi and Elisheva Basya bas Yechiel Ephraim.
It has given me the courage to bring up shidduchim in any given situation without caring about rejection or people wondering why I care to set up their friend/relative. It used feel, to me at least, that you either were a professional shadchan or others were wary of why you want to set up a shidduch. Now, it has become more accepted for regular people to make shidduchim.”
“I was very inspired by the father when he spoke at the levaya asking hashem for 10.000 zivugim. I feel like I’m doing hashems work and I take my ‘job’ very seriously. I actually made 9 shidduchim this yr bli ayin hara. It should be a big zchus for Yisroel and Elisheva a”h.
“I believe that this is the fifth shidduch that I logged with 10K Batay Yisroel that got engaged BH. It should be a zchus for the neshamos of Yisroel and Elisheva.
This shidduch is especially close to my heart as I made a decision to invest my time and energy in attempting to set up this kallah. I spent three days networking and tried to ask anyone who I believed might have an idea for her. It took a few months between the three day networking binge until this couple actually dated each other. Before they dated each other, I set up both the chasan and kallah with other dates. This simcha reminds me of the value of hishtadlus, perseverance, patience and not giving up.
10K Batay Yisroel inspired me to reenergize myself and continue to work on shidduchim.”
“I’m a Full time Shadchan and set up dates all the time. For some reason I decided to sign up this particular couple with 10kbatayyisroel for the first time. It turns out the boy was Yisrael’s friend, but I didn’t know they had a connection at the time. This shidduch was a bumpy ride. Every time we thought it was over, it somehow got revived. We called it the techies hamesim shidduch. When they actually got engaged, we couldn’t help but think how did this really happen? As I registered their engagement on your website it hit me. Yisrael and Elisheva were advocating for this match. There had to be a higher force up there with Hashem making sure this shidduch would work out. Yisrael was going to take care of his friend and not let this fall through. We are sure that Hashem listened to them. I am so honored and lucky to be the Shaliach for such a beautiful shidduch. Thank you Yisrael and Elisheva and most of all THANK YOU HASHEM”
I started shidduch meetings in my house with someone. The first person she asked me to work on was her niece. I redt this idea in January, they went out in February on three dates. It was over and restarted in March! Now they are engaged!
I definitely had in mind that it should be an aliya for the neshamos of Yisroel and Elisheva a”h.”