Engagments #262-263

BH I’m delighted to  put two Shidduchim on 10K Batay Yisroel. One yesterday and one today Making a shidduch is a true labour of love (Forgive the pun!) and absolute krias Yam Suf. Logging all the suggestions and first dates actually validates the many hours, time and...

Engagement #259

Baruch Hashem, with Hashem’s help, I just made another shidduch between a 30 year old young lady and a 27 year old young man! ! How exciting it was to be at the l’chaim this evening and participate in this beautiful simcha! It certainly gives me chizuk to keep going...

Engagements #254-257

Over a year ago, my friend, Rebbetzin Aviva Zobin told me about an excellent dating mentor – Rebbetzin Rochel Goldbaum. Curious to hear Rochel, I got hold of her wonderful PA, Kathy Kaufman. Kathy directed me to 10K Batay Yisrroel, where I could request to hear Rochel...

Feedback Post

Even though it’s uncomfortable to suggest someone, that’s just a thought that popped into my mind, I’m doing it for Yisroel and Eli – and for Klal Yisroel.

Feedback Post

I had this idea a while ago but this made me pick up the phone and call today. Iyh, hope it will be the suggestion that leads to a shiddich. Hatzlocha. May Hashem grant a Nechama to the family.