by aviva | Dec 23, 2019 | 10kstories
“I had a 10K Shidduch Meeting in my house and after each girl presented the boys and girls they had I encouraged my friend to present herself, she did and a girl sitting at the table thought my friend would be a great idea for her brother. The girl suggested it and...
by aviva | Dec 5, 2019 | 10kstories
I suggested someone I went out with to someone I (sort of:) knew. I didn’t think anything would come of it. However, apparently a lot of people thought of the idea but no one went ahead with it. Hashem chose me to be the shalaich and B”H they got engaged last week....
by aviva | Dec 4, 2019 | 10kstories
This is a shidduch I have thought of off and on for the past 5 years – a second marriage for both with children on both sides. I was in Brooklyn when the accident happened – actually down the block by my brother Maimon Elbaz and I wanted to do something and was...
by aviva | Dec 3, 2019 | 10kstories
I redt my brother in law to a girl I know from my hometown 🙂 Just cuz you don’t know if it will work doesn’t mean you shouldn’t redt it! The whole idea of trying something when it comes up instead of disregarding it is something I’ve taken from the 10k...
by aviva | Dec 2, 2019 | 10kstories
I’ve been doing shidduchim for a number of years already. I did mention at the onset of this organization that I’m going to be doing it for the couple AH as well B’H. There was a great deal of Siyata DShmaya in how I met the girl and the boy that I redt and are now...