by aviva | Jul 27, 2020 | 10kstories
“The couple are both from Montreal. I got to know the boy through my son. They were in yeshiva in Israel together and came home due to Covid. The girl is the daughter of an acquaintance who had made an impression on me at a school fundraiser. I know the only way I...
by aviva | Jul 19, 2020 | 10kstories
“I have the pleasure to announce you a new engagement BH. It’s an idea we had during the quarantine, and BH they got engaged very fast and the wedding is planned for August BH.”
by aviva | Jul 5, 2020 | 10kstories
“Hi and a huge chazak for this incredible organization. My first idea of redting a shidduch came from one of my job colleagues. He asked me to find someone for his young brother. I tried out many times but it didn’t worked out. A few weeks before the quarantine, the...