by aviva | Sep 26, 2019 | 10kstories
I attend a Shidduch group called Aleinu L’shadaich based in Five Towns. I was frustrated because I had a lot of names but they meant very little to me because I didn’t know them. I felt like I was shooting darts. I decided to make a singles BBQ in my house on July...
by aviva | Sep 25, 2019 | 10kstories
BH I just had the zechus of completing my first shidduch! I’m only 21 years old but I know the difficulty of being in shidduchim. 10k had really inspired me and I’m constantly redting shidduchim because of it. I thought of a great idea for my close friend from...
by aviva | Sep 24, 2019 | 10kstories
10K Batay Yisroel always remains an inspiration to me. May my continued efforts in shidduchim be a zechus for the precious souls that were lost. Ksiva vChasima Tovah!
by aviva | Sep 18, 2019 | 10kstories
BH this is the 3rd shidduch I made since the 10k initiative began. I hope to be able to keep making more and more shidduchim.
by aviva | Sep 12, 2019 | 10kstories
At the end of last year I set up two friends, in their 30s, and they just got married at the beginning of the summer. I knew them both from different places, the guy from high school and the girl more recently and it just came to me. The girl was from LA but living in...