In the past I tried suggesting shidduchim but I got very burnt out and lost my confidence. But after reading Rabbi Levin’s article I decided that all I have to do is try and the results are not in my hands. Then the next day on Rosh Hashana I was sitting by the window and saw somebody that was in in shidduchim pass and an idea popped into my head. After Yom Tov I called and called and didn’t give up. And last week they got engaged BH!!! I just want to add that these people are not from my circles and after the shidduch came about everyone was shocked that this shidduch came about through someone that wasn’t part of their ‘circles’.

So I realized that no matter what, who or when all you gotta do is TRY!!!!!

Thank you and may it be an alyias neshama! tizku lmitzvoos!!!