Rivka has been an anchor in our family. She loves babies and children and basically came over every day to help me when my kids were young and continued the visits as they grew up. She is someone I can count on for a last minute errand or favor.
One day, I saw Moshe’s resume in my email. I “accidentally” opened it. When I saw the description of what he was looking for, I thought of Rivka immediately.
I felt I had a special level of Siyata D’Shmaya with this shidduch. I’ve facilitated several shidduchim in Rivka’s family. I’ve made a bunch in the last few years and have considered putting this “hobby” on hold many times. It was “by chance” that I was able to find Rivka the perfect guy for her.
I have no doubt that Hashem gave me extra shmira because of my mesiras nefesh with Shidduchim. I work on shidduchim constantly and feel overwhelmed, frustrated and burned out. I work full time and have a house full of kids, but I know it’s a special gift I have.
An initiative like 10K Batay Yisroel gives chizuk to those of us in the trenches. For every 100 we redt, maybe one will actually work out. Recognizing that is a step in the right direction. It reminds us that nothing goes unnoticed by HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Knowing that I can “log” every idea I have and when it gets to a date and then IY”H to an engagement gives me ongoing chizuk.