I am privileged to be logging a second engagement on this forum. A relative of mine was visiting the States and I reached out to an acquantince who I have been previously in contact regarding shidduchim if she had any ideas for him. She mentioned she did not have ideas for him here, but she did have a friend back in Israel which can be applicable. For no apparent reason, the two never ended up going out, but a few months later while looking through old messages, I came across the girls information and thought of another relative of mine which seemed to be a good fit. B”H they just got engaged!

As written in my initial post, I am a single 21 year old girl and this initiative inspired me to get involved in shidduchim. I found that it all came down to NETWORKING and keeping your friends/neighbors/relatives etc. in mind. Many doors can be opened by casually gearing the conversation towards shidduchim. I would sit by a wedding and mention someone I know looking for shidduch to the person sitting next to me and suddenly people at the table would pitch in about who they knew in the “market”. These conversations are often time very productive and you never know where it may lead. It is my sincerest hope that we can each apply this initiative to our daily lives and may it be a continued Aliyah Neshama for Yisroel and Elisheva.