“I was sitting at a wedding of a close friend. I overheard another friend talking about her single brother, so I asked her to tell me about him. She told me all about him, and I told her that I would find her someone for him because I know tonz of girls that would be a good fit. I tried  to think of a few girls but none seemed like they would work. So I called up another friend who is involved in shidduchim and I told her all about my friend’s brother. She said that she has an idea. I told her to send me her resume and I forwarded it to the boy’s side. They were very happy with what they saw! They said yes, and the girl’s mother called me to ask me about the boy that I redd her daughter to. I told her that I don’t really know the boy and I don’t really know her daughter, but I know the boy’s sister and his family, and they are amazing. She found out more information and they said yes too! They then gave it over to a professional shadchan and just last night I got the call that they are getting engaged! Mazel Tov!

This shidduch was my first shidduch ever that I attempted! I was inspired from reading all of the stories on this beautiful website and I decided that I really want to try to make a shidduch, or at least redd one. I was so excited to do it in the zechus of 10K Batay Yisroel! I know am super inspired to try to redd as many shidduchim as I could, especially since I saw such siyata dishmaya with this one.
May the zechusim keep on pouring in!
Thank you!”