I want to tell you that 10K is behind this shidduch. I was in shidduchim when the tragedy happened. After seeing this wonderful initiative, I made it a priority to think of other friends every time I dated someone that did not end up being for me. Once you start thinking – you eventually get good at it, its like practicing playing an instrument. Over time you get better and more on point. In the past year me and my family must have thought of 75 – 100 ideas between family friends, people I dated, people my friends dated etc.. This shidduch is a friend from yeshiva to a girl I dated. I saw the yad H’ through and through. I kept pushing my friend every few weeks. It just wouldn’t leave my head what a good idea this shidduch could be. I kept thinking of the 10k initiative and pushed myself to remind my friend every few weeks. They finally went out and bh just got engaged!! Additionally I had two other friends date girls over ten times because of ideas I thought of lzchus Yisroel and Elisheva ah. This is a beautiful initiative to help in the biggest form of chesed possible lzchus Yisroel and Elisheva! Let’s make many more shidduchim lzchus! Lets continue to change lives! Simchas! May these words bring a level of nechama. No doubt this shidduch came about through their teffilos in shamayim for klal yisroel. 

This project was the motivation and driving force. I made redting a shidduchim my priority because of this project. Someone once approached the Lubavitcher Rebbe broken and in tears and begged the Rebbe to bring Mashiach with his teffilos. The Rebbe responded strongly over and over that only everyone together can do that not him alone. Helping marry off klal yisroels singles can also only happen with everyone together doing their part! Not just ten main shadchanim. Thank you 10k! Keep raising the bar and spreading this special project