“The couple are both from Montreal. I got to know the boy through my son. They were in yeshiva in Israel together and came home due to Covid. The girl is the daughter of an acquaintance who had made an impression on me at a school fundraiser. I know the only way I thought of the shidduch back in April. When I made the suggestion I did have Yisroel & Elisheva in mind. BH they got engaged this past Sunday!

I’ve been getting all the daily WhatsApp posts. I watched the December 30 meeting and I’ve been on many zoom meetings. For the last 4 yrs I have a Nishmat chat for singles.  Praying is good but it’s not enough. 10K Batay Yisroel has definitely inspired me to do more. I work full time and most of my spare time is dedicated to shidduchim.  I pray I will be zoche to do many more and may each one be an Aliya for Yisroel & Elisheva neshamot.  Amen”