I am delighted to let you and Liba know that I was zoche to be a shadchan who saw a shidduch to fruition FINALLY.. after a  year of trying and trying since the last shidduch I was fortunate to be the shaliach for…

My last shidduch was August ’21 – #305 on my list that I keep since the 10K project was launched and I started to redt shidduchim for their aliyas neshama and record the shidduchim I suggested. The boy wasnt listening yet so I waited and then it took a while to get it off the ground. I was up to redting #661 when they got engaged!

This shidduch was #833 but it also took a little while to get it going and I am up to #896 now when it happened.
As I began to write this email, it struck me that this shidduch is so close to home. The boy’s mother is my close friend, and she is LIba’s too!
May this shidduch and every other one I redt be an aliyas neshoma for Yisroel and Elisheva o”h.