Engagment #292

This shidduch was between a friend of my daughter and a relative of mine. It’s always been on my mind – about the tragic passing of Yisroel and Elisheva AH. While not a shadchan, I was happy to do something in this realm. I think the point I learnt most...

Engagement #291

The Shidduch Rountable put up an initiative with 10k Batay Yisroel over the summer to suggest shidduchim and be entered into a raffle to win tickets to Eretz Yisroel. Inspired by that initiative, I redt this shidduch. This couple started dating the week after Tisha...

Engagement #290

My son had Eli Levin sing for us by his Siyum 2 years ago. I was very moved.  Obviously, whenever I hear the Afikomen again I am re- inspired. I keep trying to redt shidduchim but I haven’t had much success. So then I figured why not set up my own son, with an...

Engagement #289

I started working at Yeshiva Darchei last year around January-February time. Chani is the secretary of 5th grade. Every day we would sit together and I wished I knew someone for her. While I was sitting in rabbi Kaplans office an idea hit me and I said you know what,...